Gooooooood october yes yes
ghaz, Nov 03 2008
Paddy Power!
Need account! (PLEASEEEE)
ghaz, Sep 17 2008
I have been looking for a (not account for quite a while and I haven't had any success. Could anyone help? Would be in your debt 
Oops oops 5K plo
ghaz, Jul 22 2008
soooo I'm having a pretty sick month so I decide to play a little short stack plo as a bit of a gamble after a good day at NL. Before I know it, I'm stuck huge and playing with full stacks etc. Thankfully I almost got unstuck. Oh yeah, I'd been playing for about 9 hours before I started playing, and after I finished sessing I'd been playing for 19 hours.... ooooooops.

Oh yeah, I've played about 6000 hands of plo lifetime.. something tells me 5K plo isn't the place for me to be honing my skillz :D
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